




与我们保持联系,了解校园里正在发生的事情, 与校友, 在你的校园社区. 请花一点时间告诉我们你的故事,并与即将到来的学生分享你的经历!




A.S. 健康科学,2017

校友布兰迪·彼得森选择参加CWC是因为它的负担能力, 友好的气氛, 以及它在医疗保健行业的领先声誉. 最初来自里弗顿, WY, Brandi grew up knowing that CWC was going to be the perfect fit to begin her dream of becoming a dental hygienist. “班级很小,我可以从教授那里得到一对一的帮助. 我喜欢在CWC的时光,”她说.

Brandi于2017年毕业于CWC,获得了健康科学副学士学位. She then transferred to Sheridan College to earn her Associate of Science in Dental Hygiene. In 2022, Brandi earned her Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene from the University of 怀俄明. She credits CWC for helping her be prepared for the challenging upper-division coursework that she faced later in her educational endeavors. 布兰迪是社区大学的大力倡导者. 她认为上社区大学的学生, 特别是化学武器公约的学生, are taught the social skills that they need to advocate for themselves when they move on to four-year institutions and other programs. “CWC教会我,寻求帮助是可以的. 为了取得成功,我有信心与我的教授进行对话.她还强调,《乐天堂app》帮助她摆脱了债务. “I didn’t have to take out loans, which was a huge help when I transferred to my other programs.”

Brandi自2019年以来一直是一名注册牙科保健师. 她目前在卡斯珀工作,在山顶牙科和T. 肖恩·萨瑟兰,DDS & Ruma Novotny, DDS. Brandi’s favorite part about being a dental hygienist is helping people maintain their oral health. 她也爱她的病人,喜欢每天见到新病人. 布兰迪真的很喜欢帮助别人.

在她的空闲时间,布兰迪喜欢花时间与她的未婚夫和她的家人. 她喜欢通过锻炼来保持健康的生活方式. Brandi also has a passion for traveling and is always looking forward to her next beach vacation where she can relax and enjoy life.





Graduating from UW with a Bachelor of Arts in Education with a concentration in social studies/history in 2020 and a Master of Arts in History in 2022, 埃里克还获得了著名的威莱娜斯坦福多元化奖. 

鲍什质量总监 & 隆药业,清水市,佛罗里达州

拉梅什Sedhain, AS物理科学, 1994, 1992年作为一名来自尼泊尔的国际学生来到CWC. 在《乐天堂app》工作期间, he worked at CWC maintenance during the summer and received the Student of the Year award in 1993. 后履行《乐天堂app》, he attended Michigan Technological University and obtained a BS in Chemical Engineering in 1997. He has over 24 years of pharmaceutical/medical devices manufacturing experience in quality and engineering. He is currently pursuing a Doctorate degree in Business Administration and is expected to graduate by 2025.


迦勒Hiatt, AA户外领导, 2011年获得荒野急救员证书, 2010, 他的成功很大程度上归功于他在参加CWC时获得的技能. Caleb is currently a Scholarship Counselor at the University of Alabama and shared the following about his time at CWC. 



德斯蒙德Bikoko, AA会计, 1997, 从1994年到1997年,他作为国际学生参加了CWC, WY是他进入美国的第一个入口. He became President for the International Student Club and was elected to the Student Senate body. 后履行《乐天堂app》, he obtained an Executive-MBA as well as MBA in Project Management; proceeded to earn a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Degree specializing in International Business from Northcentral University. 毕业后,他在马拉维创立了自己的公司——麦迪逊控股公司. 他目前是其公司的集团总裁兼首席执行官.

Kathy Oerter的个人资料照片


凯西·奥特尔, 行政助理, 2021, 应收帐款会计技术员在CWC吗. 土生土长的怀俄明人,在科迪长大, she moved to 楼下 her freshman year of High School and graduated from 怀俄明 Connections Academy in 2012 and in Spring of 2020, 她决定参加CWC继续她的教育. 

Kami Jo Danaei的个人资料照片


Kami Jo (Barnes) Danaei, AA一般研究和AAS商务办公系统, 2006, 是怀俄明大学能源学院的学术主任. 在她在化学武器委员会工作之后, Kami于2008年在爱达荷大学获得传播学学士学位. Her master’s degree in communication (2010) and doctoral degree in higher education administration (2018) are both from UW.



杰西·惠特洛克:《乐天堂app》,《乐天堂app》,2023年. The Equine Instructor position Jessie holds has motivated and empowered her to share the knowledge she has learned from her mentors and to learn from her students and fellow employees to become the best instructor she can be. 



赛斯Glause (AA通识研究), 2008), 洛克斯普林斯人,毕业于法森高中, 凭借竞技奖学金进入CWC,并在大学生涯中取得了成功, twice winning the all-around championship of the National Collegiate Rodeo Association’s Central Rocky Mountain Region.


rockkin ' K骑马马厩的主人-里弗顿,WY

黛比基斯, AAS马匹管理, 2004, 马术教学证书, 在里弗顿经营Rockin ' K马厩, 她在哪里提供马术课程, 冒险的游乐设施, 还有马术营. 

Dr. 斯科特·阿克顿是物理学校友


Dr. 斯科特·阿克顿 graduated from 楼下 High School in 1979 and attended CWC during the 1979-1980 academic year, 物理专业. 斯科特转学到怀俄明大学学习了一个学期, 然后去了阿比林基督教大学, 因为负担不起,我曾一度回到CWC上第三个学期.


Kido Clark-Riggs (AA社会科学,1997)来自非洲南部的博茨瓦纳. 她第一次上大学是在博茨瓦纳的Molepolole教育学院, 非洲, 后来在中学任教. 木户于1992年1月移居美国,并在怀俄明州的里弗顿定居.



蒂芙尼·毕晓普是肖肖尼本地人, 怀俄明 and is currently a Project Specialist at the University of 怀俄明 (UW) School of Energy Resources (SER). 蒂芙尼在CWC获得刑事司法a后,转到西澳大学攻读B.A. 2004年获刑事司法与社会学学位. She worked as an office manager for several years before moving into the Technology Transfer Office at UW in 2015.



我在乐天堂app的时光非常宝贵. 我接受了很好的教育. I was able to complete most of the prerequisites I needed for my bachelor’s degree at CWC while having the benefits of smaller class sizes and more accessibility to my professors.



阿尔伯特·梅森(AS Science), 2000) recently returned to campus to do a presentation on his undergraduate research at the University of 怀俄明 (BS Biology, 2021). 当被问及他在化学武器公约的经历时, 他的额外教育和未来的计划, Albert said: My time at 乐天堂app prepared me for the rigorous workloads of a university.


雷切尔·霍弗从山景城的高中毕业后来到了里弗顿和CWC, 怀俄明, 并且充分利用了她在校园里的时间. 在2016年毕业之前,他获得了四个副学士学位(电视), 广播, 电影, 及传播学), 蕾切尔曾担任学生会财务主管和学生会主席, 学生大使, 和一个住宿助理-包括一年的总住宿助理.


Akiptan, Inc .行政和财务官. ——里弗顿,怀俄明州

Carlton graduated from 乐天堂app in 1997 with an Associates of Science in Accounting. He continued his higher education at the University of 怀俄明 having graduated in 1999 with his Bachelors of Science in Accounting.



约书亚·索伦森, 生物科学- 2000, 最近获得了美国开垦科学家协会颁发的著名奖项. 约拿能源公司, 有限责任公司, Joshua was named Reclamationist of the Year for 2021 and is the first award recipient from the oil and gas industry in the 37-year history of the award.


业主莫拉莱斯照片 & 电影——怀俄明州科迪

Erendira “Abbey” Morales always enjoyed holding a camera and it was while working on a television show in high school that jump-started her passion for photography and film. Morales’ passion eventually led her to 乐天堂app which ultimately gave her the skills to open her own business.



凯特琳Heryford started taking engineering classes at 乐天堂app because she was looking for a challenging career that would allow her to make a difference. 今天, Heryford is a petroleum engineer for the Bureau of Land Management and is grateful for the opportunity the college gave her to hone multiple interests.



乐天堂app’s nursing program allowed 米奇长 to jumpstart his career as a registered nurse (RN). 在斯波坎市西北妇产科医院升到首席执行官之后, 华盛顿, Long said his early career experiences still inform his administrative practices and he looks back on his time at CWC with gratitude.
